How to Write an Appeal Letter
Get readmitted with a compelling appeal letter. Prove you’re ready to earn the desired degree!

in appeal letters

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& formatted letter

Dylan Knowles
What is an Appeal letter?
An appeal letter is a formal letter, which a person writes when he feels that he is treated unfairly. When you don’t like a decision taken against you and you want the authorized person to reconsider his judgment, you write an appeal letter. People need to write appeal letter when they are expelled from schools, demoted, fired from their jobs, warned or fined for any of their actions. In an appeal letter, the person explains his position and tells his side of the story. He provides some solid grounds to the authorities and requests them to the authorities to reconsider the decision. He also tells them about the possible logical decision and what he expects from them.
When you deserve a position or favor and you are not given your due right, writing an appeal letter is the only option you have. You can find a sample appeal letter for college readmission and almost all the situations. Many people lose opportunities, just because they don’t know about the content of the appeal letter. If you have no idea about how to write an appeal letter for nursing school, you will not be able to write it properly and the result will another refusal.
How to Write A Letter of Appeal In 7 Steps
Writing this kind of letter is not easy. An emotional explanation will not work for you, but if you have some acts in your favor, you can change the decision. If you are confused about writing appeal letters, you need to follow these simple steps. It’s a simple step by step guide, which can help you to write this important document with ease.
- Review the Appeal process: As soon as you feel that the decision is unfair, you have to consider filing the appeal. You need to be quick, as usual, the time of appeal is limited. Information about the appeal process is available on the decision letter you receive. If there is no such information, you can check the website or contact the office for details.
- Write a professional letter: Sometimes you are asked to file an appeal online. But the usual way is to write a formal letter, just like any other business letter. It should not be addressed like “To whom it may concern”, but you have to address the concerned authority, by writing his name on the letter.
- Mention the reasons for appeal: You need to provide reasons for the appeal. Give facts and the details, which make you feel, this decision needs to be revised. Emotional reasons will not work, provide some facts and don’t go in the detail back story. Mention the necessary facts, which can favor your appeal.
- Provide legal grounds: Your letter will be more powerful and effective if you can provide some legal grounds for your appeal. Provide examples of other decisions, when the situation was similar, but the decision was positive for others.
- Provide relevant information: You can quote the names of persons and mention the event, which favors your side of the story. If there are any witnesses of the incident, name them and mention in the letter that these persons are ready for collaboration.
- Attach supportive documents: If you have some documents which can favor your point or proof the biases of the initial decision, attach them with your letter. If you will provide some solid proof, it will be easier for the authorities to consider your appeal.
- Mention expected outcomes: At the end of your letter, don’t forget to mention what are your expectations. State either you want a modification in the initial decision or you want a new decision, based on the facts you have provided.
What Should Be Included in Appeal Letter?
This is not a very long or detailed document. Read an appeal letter example and you will note that it’s just a one-page letter, which needs to be precise and comprehensive. In this letter, you need to explain your point of view, that why you think that, this decision is biased or unfair. You provide all the necessary information and any kind of evidence which favors your point of view. You are not required to write the whole story. Mention why you are challenging this decision and what are the factors which proof this decision is unfair. Attach any kind of evidence you have and in the end, state your expectations. Keep this letter as precise and short as possible.
Best Tips for Writing An Appeal Letter
If you can write a proper letter, you can turn the decision in your favor. But the important thing is to write without being emotional and present the facts which prove your claim. When you write a letter, you need to be careful about certain things. Here are a few tips, which can help you to write an effective letter.
- Address the concerned person: You need to send this letter to the concerned person, who has the authority to consider your appeal and give the appropriate decision. For instance, when you write an appeal letter for university, you will address the vice-chancellor or the department head, whoever is concerned about the issue.
- Use formal format: The format of this letter should be like any other formal letter. Start like a business letter when you have to send it by postal mail. In the case of email, the format can be slightly different, but it will remain formal.
- Write in a polite tone: The tone of your writing should be polite. You are not supposed to show your anger against any person. Try not to be judgmental and negative about anyone. Be confident but avoid being aggressive.
- Accept your mistake: If you have committed a mistake, accept that and tell the authorities what the actual mistake was and what you have learned.
- Be realistic: Provide any evidence which can favor you. provide copies of the policies, which were ignored or any other kind of document, which supports you. However, you have to be honest and realistic.
- Mention your expectations: the person you are addressing will be interested to know, that what you want him to do. Mention your expectation, you want a new decision in your favor or you are looking for a modified decision.
- Edit your letter: Editing is very important. Review your letter and edit all kinds of mistakes. It should have no spelling error or factual mistake.
- Follow up: If you get no response in a week or two, send another letter or email to know the status of your appeal.
Right Appeal Letter Format
It is very important to write your letter in the right format. The general format is that of a business letter. But here we are discussing the format and different parts of the letter in detail.
- Your contact information: At the beginning of your letter you need to provide your contact information. Starting with your name, address, zip code, phone number, and Email address. You will write the date of sending this application below your contact information.
- Contact information of addressee: After that, you have to write the contact details of the person, to whom you are writing this letter. Write his name, title, address of the company or institution, and zip code.
- Salutation: Next comes the salutation. You have to write the name of the person. Like most business letters, write Ms. Or Mr. with the last name.
- Introduction: The first paragraph in the body of your letter should be about your introduction and the matter against which you want to appeal. It can be a little introduction, few lines or a small paragraph will serve the purpose.
- Share your point of view: In the second paragraph of the body, you can discuss your point of view about the decision. Tell those factors which were overlooked and attach the supporting documents.
- Mention the expected decision: In the next paragraph tell the reader clearly, what you want. If you want t to dismiss a part of the decision or you want him to reconsider the case or you want a decision in your favor? Whatever you expect of him, state.
- Close with courtesy: You are not supposed to be harsh or angry. Close your letter with courteous words like Thank you. You can also use words like regards or respectfully yours, in the end.
- Signature: You need to sign the letter, even your name is written in the end. It is very important to sign the letter if you are sending the hard copy.
Can A Sample Appeal Letter Help You?
Writing a formal letter is not easy. Lack of vocabulary and inadequate writing skills make it even more difficult. Most people accept the unfair decision, just because they don’t know how to write a letter, to ask for justice. However, reading a sample letter can help. It not only guides the content and formatting of the letter but also helps to choose the right kind of words. If a sample is written by an expert, it will help with all the aspects of the letter.
You can use a good sample as an appeal letter template too. Add your story in the letter and follow the same opening and closing format. It will be easier for you to write your letter. Moreover, you can see what kind of evidence has been used and how you can use different documents in your favor. But make sure you are consulting a good sample, written by the expert writers.
How to Write an Appeal Letter for University?
Students find it difficult to write an appeal for the university. Students need to write this letter due to many reasons, sometimes they are expelled due to misconduct, or they are not given admission to the university. No matter what the reason is, you need to be realistic and honest. Before writing this letter read all the rules and policies of your university and look for those, which you can use in your favor. You can also find related samples like Sample letter for appeal for reconsideration on admissions and many other similar ones. You can use a similar letter as a template.
In the beginning, write your name, department and registration number. You have to send this letter to the vice-chancellor of the university, so address him. Provide details in the body of the letter as mentioned in the previous section. Mention those policies and rules of the university, which support your case. The closing of the letter should be proper and suitable for the students. You can also address the head of your department when writing your appeal letter for college, depending on the nature of the problem.
Frequently Asked Question
How to Start an Appeal Letter?
You need to provide your contact information first and the contact details of the person, to who you are writing this letter. Write the date and then salutations. In the body of the letter, you need to introduce yourself and the problem against which you are filing this appeal. You don’t need to narrate the whole story. Keep it to the point and very precise. Try not to be angry or aggressive.
How Do You Write A College Appeal Letter?
The college appeal letter will be sent to the principal of the college. Try to find the rules and regulations of your college and point out those which support your point of view. Write your name, your department and contact information in detail. Describe your case in the body of the letter and provide supporting evidence. You can also attach the supporting documents, which reflect that the decision against you in unfair and biased. You can use examples of other similar cases. However, don’t make excuses and if a mistake is yours, admit that gracefully.
How to Write An Appeal Letter for College Admission?
If you are not admitted to college and you fulfill the required criterion, you have the right to appeal. However, read policies of the college and make sure that you are eligible for the admission. In the body of the letter mention that why you think that you are eligible for the admission and on which grounds you are denied the admission. State the admission policy of the college and explain how you fulfill all the requirements. As a supporting document, you can attach the admission policy, your academic certificate and any admission test score with your appeal.
How Can I Use a College Admission Appeal Letter Sample?
If you want to use a sample for your advantage, you need to d a bit of search. Find the sample which is closely related to your situation, if not exactly. Read it carefully and see what kind of words the writer has used. How he has used different documents to his advantage. How is has he started the letter and what he has written in the end. Don’t copy anything from the sample. Keep in mind that you are using this sample as a template to narrate your case. Your letter should be original and written according to your situation.
How to Write an Appeal Letter Against Dismissal?
If you are dismissed from your job, you can be in a financial crisis. If you think, it is an unfair decision, you must file an appeal. In the body of the letter, write the reason for your dismissal and explain why it is not fair. If the mistake was yours, admit that and tell them what you have learned from it and it will not happen in the future, for sure. If you are dismissed without any fault of yours, explain the situation to the concerned person. Write dates and events correctly and make sure whatever you write is true and factual.
How Do I Write A Letter of Appeal for Financial Aid?
Write this letter to a specific person. Clearly, state the reason for which you need financial aid and mention that you are eligible for that. Provide details and facts in your support. Provide appropriate documents If necessary. Mention the exact amount you need. Tell about your expectations and the importance of this aid. Close your letter with the hope that you will get a positive response. Use appropriate closing words in the end and sign the letter. If you get no response, don’t forget to follow up.
How to Write an Appeal Letter for Insurance?
There can be many reasons to file an appeal for insurance. The first thing is to read their policy documents and find the clause which supports your case. Write the letter and explain why you think the matter should be covered by insurance. Provide necessary documents and highlight the details which are in your favor.